Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD

Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.

District Announcements

Featured Programs

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Program

    Ken-Ton is one of only two districts in the eight counties of Western New York that offer the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Program.

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  •  two students work on an engineering project

    Career Academies

    Kenmore East and Kenmore West both offer New York State-certified career and technical education programs through the district's four Career Academies: Pre-Engineering, Computer Networking, Information Technology, and Finance & Enterprise.

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  •  high schooler plays an instrument at a dress rehearsal

    Music Programs

    For 14 years in a row, Ken-Ton has been among the tiny fraction of the nation's school districts to be designated as a “Best Community for Music Education” by the NAMM Foundation.

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  • Art Programs

    The Ken-Ton School District is widely regarded in the Western New York arts community as having one of the region’s leading K-12 art education program with two art career pathways in the Fine Arts and the Media Arts.

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  • Big Picture Program

    The Big Picture Program, located at Kenmore Junior/Senior High School, is a non-traditional high school program and the only one of its kind in Western New York.

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  • Character Education & Bullying Prevention

    Find information on programs and activities taking place in all schools that promote positive behaviors and a safe and supportive school environment, and what you can do to respond to and report bullying.

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News & Headlines

Other Announcements

Board Recognitions

  • The District has made every reasonable attempt to ensure that our web pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to questionable material or material that can be deemed in violation of the school district's Standards and Guidelines for Web Page Publishing Policy.