• Supplemental Educational Services       

    What are Supplemental Educational Services (SES)?

    Supplemental Educational Services are free academic assistance or tutoring programs for eligible students. The services may be offered after school, on weekends at the school, at the provider's center, at a library, on-line, or sometimes at a student's home. SES programs are provided to eligible students by many educational organizations that have been approved by the New York State Education Department. Parents of eligible students must apply at their school to receive SES for their child.

    Which students are eligible for services?

    A student is eligible to receive Supplemental Educational Services if he or she is currently enrolled at Holmes Elementary School or Roosevelt Elementary School and qualifies for the school's free or reduced-price meal program (students do not need to be receive free or reduced lunch, only qualify for it).

    Why are Holmes  and Roosevelt  Schools required to offer SES to eligible students?

    Under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002, schools must reach what is called "adequate yearly progress" (AYP) in achieving state academic standards based on student performance on the New York State English Language Arts and Mathematics exams.  These Schools did not meet AYP in 2010, and have been identified by the NYS Education Department as Title I School In Need of Improvement.  Schools In Need of Improvement must offer eligible students SES.

    Are all eligible students at these schools guaranteed SES services?

    We currently anticipate that all eligible students will be able to receive SES. However, in accordance with the federal law, if there are not enough funds to provide services to all eligible students who wish to participate, students will be prioritized based on academic needs. This means that the eligible students who have the greatest educational needs will be accommodated first.

    How to parents apply to receive SES for their children?

    Complete the enrollment form and choose your service provider from the list. Return the form to your school. The agency will then contact you to initiate the services. It will cost you nothing—the district pays the provider directly for the educational services.

    What SES Providers has New York  State approved to serve Erie County and Kenton?

    Click on this Link to the NYS  Erie County Provider List: //www.p12.nysed.gov/nclb/ses/ApprovedProviders/LocationList.html#Erie

    How do parents apply to receive SES for their children?

    Complete the enrollment form and choose your service provider from the Kenmore-Tonawanda contracted Provider list. Return the enrollment form to your school. The provider will then contact you to initiate the services. It will cost you nothing—the district pays the provider directly for the educational services.

    Click on this Link to:   The Ken-Ton SES Enrollment Form
    Click on this Link to:   The Ken-Ton SES Information Packet
Last Modified on January 13, 2012