Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Providing our students with the supports, tools, and diverse opportunities needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Requirements for In-Person Attendance
Safety Information & Training
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Requirements for In-Person Attendance
Masks/Face Coverings:
Masks are required for all students and staff at all times. The District has received new guidance from the CDC related to face coverings that are allowable and/or recommended. The following face coverings are not allowable, per CDC recommendations:
- Face coverings with a valve
- Gaiters
- Bandanas
Guidelines for Who Can and Cannot Attend School:
It is important that families know when to keep their children home from school when they are sick, or if they may have been exposed to COVID-19. The Ken-Ton School District will always follow the guidance of the Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH), which has provided very specific guidance and information for school districts to follow. This includes when a student or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19, has had close contact to one who has tested positive, or is exhibiting symptoms. You can review this information here:
In general, if students/staff have a fever or symptoms (whether at home or in school), they can return if one of the following applies:
- Ten days have passed since the onset of symptoms if symptoms have been improving. They must also be fever free for a minimum of 72 hours without fever-reducing medicine, or 24 hours if specified by a doctor.
- They have been tested for COVID-19 and the test was negative.
- They have a doctor's note clearing them to return.
Any students who have a chronic condition that mimics any symptoms of COVID-19 must provide a doctor’s note. For those who have been identified as a close contact, or who have traveled to an area that is identified on the NYS COVID-19 travel advisory list, ECDOH provides guidance on when they can return. In general, it is after 14 days have passed (a negative COVID-19 test does not decrease this duration).
If you have any questions about these requirements, please contact your school nurse.
Temperature Checks:
Each day a child attends school in person, families are required to check the child's temperature and confirm that he or she does not have a fever. As part of the daily health screening, families will be required to confirm that the child does not have a fever. As a further preventative measure, thermal scanners have been installed in school entrances which are able to check the temperatures of students entering the buildings.
Daily Health Screening:
Each day a student attends in-person school, families will need to confirm that their child:
- Has not tested positive for COVID-19
- Has not experienced symptoms consistent with COVID-19
- Has not been in close or proximate contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19
- Has not traveled to a state, terratory, or nation with a NYS COVID-19 travel advisory
- Does not have a fever today
Each family will receive an automatically generated email at 5 a.m. with a link to complete this form. This process is through the service provider EdVista.
TLC Rooms
For the safety of all students, staff, and families, students who have a fever or are exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be sent home. All schools have a procedure in the event that a student begins exhibiting a fever or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 during the school day.
Each school has established a "TLC Room" where he or she can be kept separated from others but safe and cared for while the school contacts the student's family. In the event that you receive a phone call from a school indicating that your child was put into TLC, we need families to immediately take action to come get your child from school.