Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Request Records & Documents
Request Records & Documents
Below are examples of commonly requested records and documents, and the best point of contact for information on making such a request. If the document or record you wish to request is not on this list, please refer to our Questions & Concerns Page in order to determine the best point of contact for your inquiry.
If you wish to request a copy of your high school transcript or diploma, please contact the high school from which you graduated:
- Kenmore West High School (formerly Kenmore Senior High School): 716-874-8401
- Kenmore East High School: 716-874-8402
- Kenmore Junior/Senior High School: 716-874-8403
Educational Records:
Educational records may only be disclosed in accordance with applicable state and federal law such as the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). To request a child's educational records, please contact the child's school. Click here to visit our School Directory to find contact information for each school.
Immunization/Health Records (Current Students Only):
Immunization and health records may only be disclosed in accordance with applicable state and federal law such as the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the U.S. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA). To request immunization or health records for a current student, please contact the child's school. Click here to visit our School Directory to find contact information for each school.
Immunization Records (Graduates/Former Students Only):
If you have graduated or are a former student of the Ken-Ton School District and wish to request your immunization records, please contact Jennifer Tuttle at 716-874-8400 or
IEP & Disability/Evaluation Documents:
Records pertaining to a child's IEP or disability/evaluation may only be disclosed in accordance with applicable state and federal law such as the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For IEP or disability/evaluation records, please contact Jennifer Tuttle at 716-874-8400 or
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Requests:
Many documents may be found on the Ken-Ton School District website and the Ken-Ton School District Board Docs site, including comprehensive budget/financial information and contracts approved by the Board of Education. If you would like help locating a document that may be located on the school district website or Board Docs site, please contact or call 716-874-8400 ext. 20699.
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests for Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District records may be sent by mail or email to:
Melanie Kamens
Records Access Officer
Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
1500 Colvin Blvd.
Buffalo, NY 14223
mkamens@ktufsd.orgFOIL requests should include your name and contact information and a reasonable description of the records you are requesting to assist staff in locating them. Sample requests may be found on the Committee on Open Government website. The Freedom of Information Law requires that, within 5 (five) business days of receiving the request, agencies must grant the request, deny the request, or acknowledge the receipt of the request and provide an approximate date upon which the request will be granted or denied. If a response is not provided within 5 (five) business days, the Freedom of Information Law provides for that request to be considered denied and eligible for appeal. If a FOIL request is denied, the Freedom of Information Law provides an opportunity for the decision to be appealed. If your request is denied, you may appeal the decision to:
Sabatino Cimato
Superintendent of Schools
Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
1500 Colvin Blvd.
Buffalo, NY 14223A photocopying fee of 25 cents per page will be charged. Accessible records may be inspected at no charge. Records are available for inspection and copying at 1500 Colvin Blvd., Buffalo, NY 14223 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the school year and 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the summer except for holidays. Click here for more information on Freedom of Information Law and FOIL requests, including sample requests and responses. The Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD maintains records in accordance with the New York State Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.