Art Department

  • Student artwork An awareness and understanding of visual communication and expression is vital in order to appreciate the vast diversity of the human experience and to succeed in the world today. The Ken-Ton School District art curriculum is designed to stimulate and challenge students’ imaginations, develop their technical artistic skills, and strengthen critical thinking skills by responding to and analyzing works of art.

    The Ken-Ton School District is widely regarded in the Western New York arts community as having one of the region’s leading K-12 art education program. The program includes two comprehensive high school career pathways, opportunities to earn advanced certifications, and close partnerships with local art galleries and organizations.

    With approximately 18 full-time art teachers, students are exposed to a robust offering of art education programs beginning in kindergarten. In high school, students can take part in many different art electives including Advanced Placement (AP) Art and International Baccalaureate (IB) Art. Students can earn multiple professional certifications such as Adobe and Autodesk. Students can also follow two art career pathways, each with a dedicated sequence of specialized art courses: one for Fine Arts and one for Media Arts.


    Meet Our Faculty

    Ken-Ton Art News

    NYS Standards for the Visual Arts

    Art Career Pathways

    High School Course Descriptions

    Art Supply Lists

    Questions? Contact Denise Carr, Ken-Ton School District Art Coordinator.

  • Find the Ken-Ton School District Art Department on social media!

    Twitter: @KentonArtD

    Instagram: @KenTonArt1

    Facebook: KenTon Art Department