Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program

  • Click here for registration information

    Ken-Ton School District Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program
    Hamilton Elementary School
    44 Westfall Drive
    Tonawanda, NY 14150

    Christine Dusher
    Program Director

    About the Ken-Ton UPK Program:

    The Ken-Ton School District is proud to offer one of the region's best Universal Pre-Kindergarten Programs housed at Hamilton Elementary School. This is a free full-day program available to all Ken-Ton School District families.

    Hamilton Elementary UPK Playground

    Ken-Ton was among the very first districts in WNY to offer free full-day UPK beginning with the 2021-22 school year. This program is located at the beautiful newly renovated Hamilton Elementary School campus, which is located on the corner of Glenalby Road and West Fall Drive and features a beautiful brand new playground facility. The program is operated by the Ken-Ton YMCA under the direction of the Ken-Ton School District Department of Elementary Education. Before/after-school childcare and breakfast/lunch is available at a cost.

    Please note that transportation is not able to be provided for UPK students and must be arranged by families.

    UPK Instruction:

    The quality of Ken-Ton's early childhood education programming is unmatched and Hamilton Elementary is known for its outstanding offerings as well as its dedicated and caring staff. The traditional classroom-based UPK framework is designed to introduce academics and enhance socialization, physical activity, communication, and creative thinking while preparing your child for success in kindergarten and beyond. The developmentally appropriate curriculum meets all NYS Universal Pre-Kindergarten standards.

    student cutting paper

    Important Registration Information:

    Only students who are eligible for UPK per NYS requirements may register for the program. This means a student must be 4 years of age on or before December 1st of the school year they intend to register for (for example, to be eligible for for the 2025-26 school year, a child must be 4 years of age on or before December 1st, 2025). UPK registration typically begins in March for the upcoming school year.

    It is important to note that this program is supported by the NYS Universal Pre-Kindergarten Grant and the availability of seats is based on this funding. If more children apply than there are available seats, the district will hold a lottery. Although a lottery has not been necessary in recent years, that could change at any time based on funding.

    Visit www.ktufsd.org/CentralRegistration for UPK information.