• Where to go


    Alternative Career Credit Opportunities


    (Offsite Workshops)

    Prior Authorizations for Offsite Requests must be submitted by May 31, 2025, to be considered for the Career Option I (KSDC) Stipend for the 2024-2025 School Year.

    • If you are interested in attending a workshop which is not sponsored directly by the Staff Center, you can apply for consideration of hours. These workshops are referred to as "Offsite" workshops and may only be used for credit if they occur outside the workday. College courses taken to complete teaching certification requirements are not eligible to be used as career credits. Please refer to page 5 of the KSDC Participant Handbook for more information regarding the Policy Board expectations.
    • You must complete a KSDC Offsite Request form in Frontline PRIOR to the start of the workshop you wish to attend. Prior authorization does not guarantee credits will be awarded, please refer to the handbook linked before for reference.
    • The Staff Center Policy Board reviews offsite requests and makes a determination regarding acceptance or denial. Participants must submit a signed Certificate of Completion before hours will be posted. 


    Click here for Directions on Submitting an Application for Offsite Hours.


    Here are some suggestions for reliable offsite locations:


    KSDC Offsite Workshop Opportunities - Google Doc


    Each of the institutions linked above has been approved in the past for KSDC offsite credit.

    Before registering, make sure you are clear about YOUR costs and if an official certificate of completion will be provided.

    (This doc is updated regularly)




Upcoming Offsite Opportunities

  • Boces 4 Science Winter Offsite PD

    (Now - March Sessions)


    Please open the attached pdf to see the dates and times for upcoming science opportunities. If you are an Elementary Teacher or a Middle School Science Teacher, check out our line up of Winter Professional Learning Workshops. We have something for everyone! There are workshops that focus on elementary curriculum units, as well as ILS Investigations and the science content that underpins them.

    B4S - Online PD

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  • Arts in Education


    The Erie 1 BOCES Arts in Education: Educator Hours are free regional sessions that promote the exploration and engagement of local cultural centers in the Western New York region. All Educator Hours are designed to provide educators with new tools and materials to connect back to their school, classroom, and curriculum in any content area.

    All Educator Hours are offered after school hours to remove the need for substitutes and sub plans. CTLE credit is awarded for each session.

    Each month learn about and explore cultural locations in WNY and how they can be connected back to your classrooms!!

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