Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- KSDC Policy Board
Staff Development Center
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To assure the students within the Ken-Ton District the highest possible quality of education through a resource center for education personnel, the Center will respond to the staff development needs of local educators. The Policy Board shall be the decision-making body for the Center and its operation.
2024-2025 Board
Philip Jarosz Chairperson, District Instructional Innovation Support Specialist Kevin Kruger Co-Chairperson, Principal Big Picture Program Laura Anderson Teacher, Kenmore West High School Lesley Battaglia Parent Representative Tracy Caruana Teacher, Holmes Elementary Matt Chimera Board of Education Member & Liaison to KSDC Mary Kate Conrad Teacher, Kenmore West High School Josh Frasier Engineer, Kenmore West and KTSEA President Laura Howse Canisius & St. Bonaventure Universities, Higher Education Representative Danielle Johnson Teacher, Edison Elementary School Alex Marcinelli Teacher, Hoover Middle School Laura Moore Support Staff Representative, Teacher Aide, Holmes Elementary Nicole Pauly-Rejewski Teacher, Kenmore East High School Jen Pitz-Jones Assistant Principal for Academics, Mt. St. Mary Academy Mary Russell Speech-Language Pathologist, Franklin Elementary School Dan Snitzer Business & Industry Representative - Praxair Heidi Sorel Teacher, Hoover Middle School Betty Sullivan School Counselor, Hoover Elementary Elaine Thomas Principal, Hoover Middle School Rebecca Thompson Library Media Specialist, Franklin Elementary Kelly White Assistant Superintendent of Instruction & Student Services Karen Whitelaw Board of Education Member & Liaison to KSDC POLICY BOARD MEETINGS FOR 2024-2025
9/25/24, 11/12/2024, 1/15/2025, 3/12/2025, 4/30/2025 Retreat, 5/28/2025
Meetings begin at 3:30 pm. The Retreat is a full-day event.