Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Mentor Policy Board
Mentor Policy Board
The Mentor Policy Board shall be the governing structure of the mentor and intervention programs. It shall receive reports and may request clarification from the administrators and mentor teachers concerning the instructional competence of probationary teachers. It shall oversee the functioning of the various assessment options for tenured teachers and attempt to resolve conflicts arising from them.
The Mentor Policy Board shall be comprised of nine (9) members appointed annually. Four (4) shall be appointed by the Superintendent of Schools to include the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources/designee and a building administrator. Five (5) shall be appointed by the President of the Kenmore Teachers’ Association to include the President/designee and teachers representing the primary, intermediate, middle and high schools. It is recommended that persons appointed to the Mentor Review Board should receive training in the mentor program.
Specific Roles of the Mentor Policy Board:
- Update handbook
- Monitor ratio of mentors to mentees
- Assist in planning August orientation
- Read reports from mentors and administrators
- Interview and monitor mentors
- Project mentor needs