Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Eligibility
Bus transportation is provided under law to only those students who are residents of the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda School District, within specified limits and areas established by the Board of Education, with the support of school district voters. All resident students requesting transportation must meet eligibility to attend requirements, regardless of the school of attendance, including non-public schools. Students with an IEP, whose tuition is paid by the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD, are provided transportation to the school of placement regardless of the distance from the school district’s boundary.
Transportation eligibility limits are as follows:
- Students in Kindergarten* through Fourth Grade (K-4) who reside 0.5 miles or more of their school are eligible for transportation.
- Students in grades Five through Seven (5-7) who reside 0.75 miles or more of their school are eligible for transportation.
- Students in grades Eight through Twelve (8-12) who reside 1.0 mile or more of their school are eligible for transportation.
*Please Note: Buses will not drop off a kindergarten student if a parent or previously designated adult is not at the stop to receive the student. An exception is if a student has an older sibling also getting off the bus at the same time, in which case the Transportation Department will need a note from the parent that will be kept on file in the transportation office giving permission to allow the kindergarten student off the bus with the sibling. Click here for more information.
All public and non-public school students must be legally registered (Policy 7130, 8 NYCRR §125.9), and if there is a change of address, one must also show proof of their new residency prior to receiving bus assignments. Any time a change in transportation is requested, please note that arrangements may take up to 7-10 days.
The owning of property within the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD and the payment of property taxes does not automatically fulfill residency requirements.
Official Residence
The Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD recognizes only one residence as the official residence of a student and will transport a student to and from that residence only. However, an Alternate Stop Application (available on the Forms page) can be submitted to request transportation to another location for childcare purposes, under certain conditions:
- Transportation for child care purposes (not a licensed daycare) will be restricted to the student’s enrollment area. The stop will be located at a close corner.
- Transportation for child care purposes to a licensed daycare will be provided within the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD’s boundaries.
- Alternate transportation will be provided only if the request is for five days per week to the same location. Requests for partial days, partial weeks, alternating days, or alternating weeks will not be granted.
Proof of Residency
Bus transportation is provided by the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD to only those students who reside in the district. At the time of registration and each time a new residency is established within the district, proof of residency will be obtained. Acceptable documents to demonstrate this proof include:
- Current lease or proof of homeownership (mortgage statement, property tax bill, or homeowner’s/renter’s insurance).
- Current utility bill for the address (within the past 30 days)- showing the parent/guardian name and service address on the bill.
Transportation to Non-Public Schools
Non-Public school students, prior to being assigned transportation, must annually complete a Non-Public School Transportation Application and return it into the Transportation Department by April 1. This can be obtained at the non-public school of choice and on the Forms page.