2024-25 Budget & Proposal Information

  • Proposition 1: Proposed 2024-2025 Budget ($191,678,603)

    Funds all district-operated public schools/educational programs as well as services provided for all non-public/private schools located in the district as required by law).

    Proposition 2: Proposed $8.5 million supplemental capital project (no tax impact)

    During the May 21, 2024 Budget Vote and Board of Education Election, residents will have the opportunity to vote on a proposed $8.5 million supplemental capital project. This supplemental project would be funded entirely from the district’s Capital Reserve, which can only be used for capital improvement purposes. This means it would have zero impact on property taxes. This supplemental project is designed to address capital priorities that have not been able to be addressed in the current project due to inflation.

    Since 2021, construction work has been taking place throughout the district as part of the ongoing Capital Project. Like many school districts throughout the country, historic inflation has limited the amount of work that can be completed within the voter-approved Capital Project budget. Construction costs increased 28.3% in the span of just two years, which would be the equivalent of $21.2 million for the $75 million project. To put that into perspective, the two schools slated for the final phase of the project (Kenmore East and Lindbergh Elementary) were originally budgeted for a combined $15.1 million, so the cost increases from inflation would have been enough to eliminate all work at both buildings.

    Through the great work of district administrators and construction partners, much of the scheduled work will be able to be completed, though certain components had to be removed from the project. The district remains committed to addressing as many priorities as possible and that is what this supplemental project is designed to do. This work will also be eligible for NYS Building Aid and it is the district’s goal to maximize aidability to ensure that as much funding returns to the district as possible. The project will address the following priorities:

    • A renovated single point of entry with a new vestibule and a restructured main office layout at Lindbergh Elementary to enhance security and provide an improved customer service experience
    • The replacement of the roof at Kenmore East High School, which is a major health/safety priority
    • The installation of hundreds of cameras to ensure sufficient coverage in all buildings for enhanced safety/security
    • Continued upgrades to PA and door access systems for enhanced safety/security
    • New directional LED lighting (which is designed to minimize the impact on neighbors) to facilitate night games for expanded sports scheduling options

    Click here to view the public forum

    Proposition 3: Proposal to rename the Kenmore East natatorium in honor of former coach Lee Herbst

    Residents will have the opportunity to vote on a third proposition, a proposal to rename the Kenmore East High School natatorium after former Kenmore East swimming coach Lee Herbst. This proposal was considered as part of our new facility naming procedure and was recommended by the Naming Committee and approved by the Board of Education.