Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Career & Technical Education (CTE) Overview
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Overview
Career and Technical Education(CTE) encompasses a variety of subject areas designed to prepare students for life-long careers. Such courses were formerly referred to as occupational education. Current State Education Department documents and regulations, as well as New York State legislative language all use the CTE terminology. However, federal legislation and documents continue to reference this curricula as vocational education.
Commissioner's Regulations [C.R.R.100.1(1)L], defines CTE as a kindergarten through adult area of study that includes rigorous academic content closely aligned with career and technical subjects. The Career Development and OccupationalStudies (CDOS) Learning Standards serve as the framework. In grades nine through twelve, CTE includes the specific disciplines of agriculture education, business and marketing education, family and consumer sciences education, health occupations education, technical education, technology education, and trade/industrial education.
The purpose of CTE is to provide learning experiences where students become aware of a broad spectrum of careers and develop skills that are applicable to personal and career roles and are necessary for employment in specific career areas or post-secondary study. Successful programs will prepare students for life as productive members of society.
Characteristics of Career and Technical Education Programs:
Elements of a successful CTE program include:
- Certified teachers who remain current within their profession
- A sequence of courses that prepare students for employment or post-secondary study
- A work-based learning opportunity
- A business and industry consultant committee who will provide input into the program
- An opportunity to apply academic concepts to real-world situations
- A program that allows students the opportunity to earn college credit for college-level high school programs
- Preparation for industry-based student assessments
- An opportunity to use the most current business/industry-based technologies
- An opportunity to achieve the career cluster standard (CDOS Standard 3b)
Visit NYSED CTE for further detailed information related to CTE programs.