Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Post-Secondary Agreements
Post-Seconday Agreements
Current articulation and advanced studies agreements are in place with SUNY Erie, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), and Buffalo State University. Further agreements are in development. This means students can earn college credit for completing the Career Academy courses.
Technology Engineering courses that are available for college credit through Rochester Institute of Technology include:
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
- Principles of Engineering (POE)
- Digital Electronics (DE)
Business Education courses available for college credit through Buffalo State University include:
- Computer Fundamentals
- Web Design 1 & 2
- Business Ownership & Management
Business Education courses available for college credit through SUNY Erie include:
- Accounting 1
- Business Math
- College, Careers, and Finance
- Personal Financial Literacy
- Keyboarding & Personal Documents
- Computers & the Internet
- Microsoft Office
Learn more about SUNY Erie's Advanced Studies by following this link: SUNY Erie.
Contact Nancy Pray ( or Joel Maerten ( for further information. -