Social Media Comments Policy

  • Thank you for connecting with the Ken-Ton School District on social media! The purpose of these pages is to provide information and updates and to celebrate the achievements of Ken-Ton students, staff, and schools. We welcome comments and questions from visitors but expect users to be respectful and civil when posting.

    Just as in our school district buildings and facilities, visitors to our digital spaces are expected to follow the guidelines of our Code of Conduct and our visitor guidelines. From our visitor guidelines: "Visitors, like staff, are expected to exemplify and reinforce the behavior that is expected of students. Therefore, visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner toward school personnel, and can expect to be treated in a respectful and courteous manner by school personnel." Comments that are not consistent with these expectations will be removed.

    Comments may also be removed if they contain the following:

    • Vulgar language and profanity (including when letters are replaced with the * symbol)
    • Material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or that constitutes a personal attack of any kind
    • Material that promotes or constitutes discrimination in any form
    • Commercial content, solicitations, and spam
    • Statements not related to the original post or purpose of the page
    • Blatantly inaccurate, false, or misleading information
    • Content that violates copyright, Facebook terms of service/Community Standards, school district policies, and any other applicable laws/regulations/requirements
    • Excessive back-and-forth comments/responses, as in a discussion or argument (if you wish to engage another user in a lengthy discussion, please do so directly through another communication platform such as Messenger or email out of respect for others)

    Users who post comments containing any of the above may be banned from the page. Thank you for visiting and please contact us at or 716-874-8400 ext. 20699 with any questions, comments, or concerns you have regarding this page or the Comments Policy.

    Please refer to the Board of Education's Social Media Policy