Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Overview
Future Ready Project Showcase Features Innovative Projects
On Thursday, January 30th, innovative instructional projects were on display as part of the third annual Ken-Ton School District Future Ready Project Showcase.
The event featured 13 teachers who spent weeks developing new instructional activities incorporating technology, engineering, or computer science topics that can be replicated in elementary/middle school classrooms everywhere in order to inspire students to become “future ready.”
The program was supported by the NYS Education Department Smart Start Program and led by our Director of K-12 Education Anne Martell, who coordinated the initiative, as well as our Instructional Support Specialists for Technology, who provided programming support in the classroom.
Click here to see photos from the event.
Presenters included:
Alex Bianchi, Franklin Elementary - Mission to the Moon: 3D Printing & Robotics with Primary Students
Jill Dempsey, Hoover Middle School - Designing Stickers using Canva and Cricut
Jennifer Donhauser, Franklin Middle School - Bot Business: Cruising with Code
Lindsey Lapidus, Hoover Middle School - Camp Half-Blood Cabins
Peggy Lucero, Kenmore East High School - My Pet Book Project in German
Katie Nadrowski, Franklin Elementary School - Mapping Our Community Using Beebots
Jennifer Patterson, Tonawanda City School District - Tonawanda City School Students Are Future Ready!
Nicole Pauly, Kenmore East High School - Using Technology to Analyze and Create Propaganda
Kim Schildwaster, Kenmore East High School - Chemistry of Cookies
Jane Stevens, Hoover Middle School - Using Virtual Reality to Improve Reading Comprehension
Rebecca Thompson, Franklin Elementary School - Future Ready in the Library
Nicholas Warchocki, Kenmore West High School - Creating a Product
Susan Zummo, Franklin Middle School - Student-Made BrainPOP Movies and Math Art