Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Overview
Crossroads Academy Plants Pollinator Habitat & Garden
A new pollinator habitat and garden has been planted at Kenny Field, thanks to Ken-Ton Crossroads Academy students, teacher, and Ken-Ton staff. The project was started by Cheryl Hughes last year at the Environmental Ambassador Summit competition at Linde. The project was awarded $1,000 by the Niagara River Greenway.
Several staff members and students got together on June 5th to get to work on the garden. A place for the garden was mapped out by Town of Tonawanda engineer Matt Sutton and is in the shape of a triangle. It sits 20 feet long by 12 feet at the widest part and 5 feet at the narrowest part.
Topsoil and plants for the garden were provided by the school district, while the Town of Tonawanda provided mulch and topsoil. The group also consulted with Water Keepers to figure out which plants would be best for that area.