• Welcome to the Kenmore Town of Tonawanda

    Gifted and Talented Program (Grades 1-4)

    and Enrichment (Grades 5-7)

    Book Worm

    Program Philosophy:

    •  The Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District provides fair and appropriate education for all students that recognizes individual abilities and strengths. The Gifted and Talented program seeks to provide services to students who demonstrate educational needs for activities not ordinarily provided in order to fully develop those intellectual, creative and leadership capabilities.

    Gifted and Talented Program Purpose:

    • The Gifted and Talented program advances knowledge, strengthens higher-level thinking, and supports subject area standards through differentiated learning experiences. Students receive challenging curriculum and authentic learning to recognize, develop, and utilize their skills to the fullest potential. 

Last Modified on September 28, 2022