Purpose: The purpose of the Behavior Sports Club is to increase socially acceptable behavior in the school environment, increase attendance and time in classroom, prevent disciplinary referrals/consequences, and provide students with a positive social experience.


    Selected Students: Students are selected by the mental health staff in consultation with administrators and teachers. Considered students include those with a history of disciplinary referrals/consequences, poor attendance, and noncompliance to school and classroom expectations, as well as students in need of a positive social experience to enhance social functioning. 


    Selected students are interviewed and required to sign the Sports Club Behavior Contract, which clearly states expectations to participate. Only students who show an interest in the Club and agree to expectations will be able to participate.


    Selected students are able to participate every Friday if they have no removals from class or disciplinary referrals for the entire week. Some students also have to fulfill specific behavioral expectations on an individualized behavior plan, in order to participate each week.