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Hoover Middle Celebrates Top Accelerated Readers

students enjoy a pizza party for being a top reader

Hoover Middle School is celebrating some very special students who read quite a bit over the course of three months!

From November 6th-February 6th, Hoover Middle 5th, 6th, and 7th graders took part in an Accelerated Reader Word Count Contest where teams with the highest average of word counts won a special prize. Accelerated Reader is a program that lets you take quizzes on books you've read throughout the school year.

A total of five teams won the top prize of a day with the district's Smoothie Bike and a party pizza. The top winning teams were: 5th grade ELA teachers Mrs. Anzalone and Mrs. Sorel, 6th grade ELA teachers Mrs. Contino and Mrs. Roberts, and 7th grade ELA teacher Mr. Kleismit.

students smile at a table while enjoying a pizza party

Students on teams that did not win were also recognized as "top readers" and were celebrated with a pizza party on February 14th.  Congratulations to the following students who were recognized: Luella McNally-Mank, Rose Kelley, Chelsea Prenatt, Madeline Scaletta, Samantha Spin, Keira Premo, Amelia Owen, Anthony Donnelly, Joshua Tuskes, George Thoney, Abigail Tuskes, Josiah Barton-Harris, Amelia Schamber, Ezekiel Schutt, Charles Venator, Lucy Sciandra, Kaiden Ortiz, Clara Eldridge, Matthew Harris, Aislinn Reed, Adrina Rai, Isaac Thayer, Max Lucas, August Kaufmann, Faye LaBruna, Logan Wistner, Eamon Cristiani, Ma'Lia Gray, Lucas Wistner, Jack O'Donnell, Roslyn Smith, Max Fujiuchi, Maggie Jones, Samantha Hunt, Dre'Aynna Cothran, Juniper Benson, Julien Johnson, Muntaha Tabassum, Misha LaMotte, Hayden Leboeuf, Samuel Webster, Sean Krawczyk, Silvie Webster, and Isabelle Guzdek.