Hoover Middle School
Providing our students with the supports, tools, and diverse opportunities needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world
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Hoover Middle Celebrates Top Accelerated Readers
Hoover Middle School is celebrating some very special students who read quite a bit over the course of three months!
From November 6th-February 6th, Hoover Middle 5th, 6th, and 7th graders took part in an Accelerated Reader Word Count Contest where teams with the highest average of word counts won a special prize. Accelerated Reader is a program that lets you take quizzes on books you've read throughout the school year.
A total of five teams won the top prize of a day with the district's Smoothie Bike and a party pizza. The top winning teams were: 5th grade ELA teachers Mrs. Anzalone and Mrs. Sorel, 6th grade ELA teachers Mrs. Contino and Mrs. Roberts, and 7th grade ELA teacher Mr. Kleismit.