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     Math practice by category:
    Homework Helper Sites:
    For the following web sites type to help you on your homework or to learn more about a topic.
    1.   Parent Help Site from Eureka Math
    4.  A+ Math
    6. Practice with adding & Subtracting Fractions.
    7. Practice with
    Adding Integers: //www.mathplayground.com/ASB_OrbitIntegers.html
    9. Buzz Math. This is a great website that has practice aligned to the Common Core Math Standards by subject.
    Here are good web sites to find definitions that are not located in the back of your textbook.
    Fast Math:
     1. Fast Math
    Castle Learning:
    Castle Learning is a site that allows teachers to create assignments online for students. We will regularly have assignments on Castle Learning. Each student has a username and password to get into the assignments.
     In addtion visit Mrs. Ertel's website for more websites