Franklin Middle School
Providing our students with the supports, tools, and diverse opportunities needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world
- Franklin Middle School
- Helpful Sites
By clicking these links you are leaving the Ken-ton Web Site!Math practice by category:Homework Helper Sites:For the following web sites type to help you on your homework or to learn more about a topic.1. Parent Help Site from Eureka Math2. Math Forum4. A+ Math5. Cool Math7. Practice withAdding Integers: // Buzz Math. This is a great website that has practice aligned to the Common Core Math Standards by subject.Definitions:Here are good web sites to find definitions that are not located in the back of your textbook.1. Math. comFast Math:
1. Fast MathCastle Learning is a site that allows teachers to create assignments online for students. We will regularly have assignments on Castle Learning. Each student has a username and password to get into the assignments.In addtion visit Mrs. Ertel's website for more websites