
          7th Grade Math Procedures

    1. Cell Phones

    • Must be out of sight.
    • Should be left in your locker.

    2. Daily Classroom Procedures:

    • Come to class quietly, prepared, on time and ready to learn
    • Upon entry get a pencil if you need to borrow one

    • Follow the directions on the front screen

    • Copy HW into agenda & leave it out

    • Take out your homework from the previous night 


    3. Within the Classroom Procedures:

    • Only one person speaks at a time and Do NOT disturb others

    • Raise hand to speak

    • Be respectful at all times

    • Keep your belongings under your seat & not in the aisles

    • All work in this room is done in PENCIL



    4. Bathroom Procedures:

    • Go at the beginning or the end of the class
    • If it is an emergency bathroom permission can be granted.

    • Use bathroom passes



    5. Handing in assignments:

    • Make sure your full name is on all papers
    • Place papers in HAND IN BIN located in the back of the room when collected


    6. Dismissal at the End of the Period:

    • I will dismiss you once when all pencils, correcting pens, and calculators are returned

    7. When You are Absent:

    • You are responsible for the material you missed
    • Go to ABSENT FOLDERS located next to the homework board for work missed
    • Turn in any owed assignments in the HAND IN BIN

    • Stay after school or see me in study hall to get help on material missed


    8. When the Teacher is Absent:

    • Be respectful.
    • Treat the Substitute Teacher with respect and courtesy

    • Follow the normal procedures of our classroom