Franklin Middle School
Providing our students with the supports, tools, and diverse opportunities needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world
- Franklin Middle School
- Procedures
7th Grade Math Procedures
1. Cell Phones
- Must be out of sight.
Should be left in your locker.
2. Daily Classroom Procedures:
- Come to class quietly, prepared, on time and ready to learn
Upon entry get a pencil if you need to borrow one
Follow the directions on the front screen
Copy HW into agenda & leave it out
Take out your homework from the previous night
3. Within the Classroom Procedures:
Only one person speaks at a time and Do NOT disturb others
Raise hand to speak
Be respectful at all times
Keep your belongings under your seat & not in the aisles
All work in this room is done in PENCIL
4. Bathroom Procedures:
- Go at the beginning or the end of the class
If it is an emergency bathroom permission can be granted.
Use bathroom passes
5. Handing in assignments:
- Make sure your full name is on all papers
Place papers in HAND IN BIN located in the back of the room when collected
6. Dismissal at the End of the Period:
- I will dismiss you once when all pencils, correcting pens, and calculators are returned
7. When You are Absent:
- You are responsible for the material you missed
- Go to ABSENT FOLDERS located next to the homework board for work missed
Turn in any owed assignments in the HAND IN BIN
Stay after school or see me in study hall to get help on material missed
8. When the Teacher is Absent:
- Be respectful.
Treat the Substitute Teacher with respect and courtesy
- Follow the normal procedures of our classroom