Franklin Middle School
Providing our students with the supports, tools, and diverse opportunities needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world
ELAAn electronic archive of v olumes of American poetry prior to 1920.
BARTLEBY.COM VERSE:With thousands of poems by hundreds of authors, offers one of the largest free collections of verse on the web.Resources related to books for children and young adults.
CLASSICNOTES.COMClassicNotes provides free literature summaries and analysis. All of the ClassicNotes have been written and compiled by Harvard essayists. Find detailed summaries, character information, and literature references.The archive will make available over a worldwide computer network selected poems from a number of contemporary poets. The archive includes the work of living poets from around the world.
THE INTERNET PUBLIC LIBRARY READING ROOMContains bookshelves for browsing and searching.Recommended sites by the American Library Association
LUMINARIUMThis site provides a starting point for students and enthusiasts of English Literature.
MERRIAM-WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY AND THESAURUSOnline dictionary and thesaurus! is the premier free source for literary analysis onthe web. An educational supplement is provided for better understanding of classic and contemporary literature through Chapter Summaries, Character Profiles, Metaphor Analysis, Theme Analyses, and Author Biographies.
ONLINE LITERARY CRITICISM COLLECTIONThe IPL Online LiteraryCriticism Collection contains 4492 critical and biographical websites about authors and their works that can be browsed by author, by title, or by nationality and literary period.Provides educators and students with high quality resources and practices in reading and language arts instruction.
REPRESENTATIVE POETRY ONLINEAn historical anthology of English poetry, from the early medieval period to the beginning of the twentieth century, which includes about 730 poems by roughly 80 authors.provides biographies, bibliographies, lesson plans and links to their homepages.
VICTORIAN WEBLiterature, history, and culture in the Age of Victoria--contains a collection of articles as well as links to other resources.
THE YOUNG WRITER'S CLUBThis club aims to encourage children of all ages to enjoy writing as a creative pastime by getting them to share their work and help each other improve their writing abilities.Poetry Research://