• PE Make-Ups  (All Grades)    
    Gym and Fitness Room Make-Ups
    When: Tuesay and Thursday                                                               
    Where: Gymnasium
    Time: 3-3:30
    It is your childs responsibility to make up any missed classes.  Each child has until the end of the marking period to make-up any missed classes. Each child gets 3 misses per quarter without their grade being affected.
    Pool Make-Up
    When: Tuesday and Thursday                                                         
    Where: Pool
    Time: 3-3:30
    It is your childs responsibility to make up any classes missed in the pool.  Each child has until the end of the marking period to make-up any missed classes. Each child gets 3 misses per quarter without their grade being affected.
Last Modified on September 14, 2018