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Benjamin Franklin Middle School Physical Education Grading Rubric
Effort, Participation, and Performance 70%
*Includes Skill, Content, and Heart Rate Monitor Assessments
Student meets expectations
Student was an active participant in class. He/she gave their best effort.
Student partially meets expectations
Student needs to be reminded to stay on task.
Student does not meet expectations
Student is not actively participating in class. He/she needs to be reminded more than once to stay on task.
Student refuses to participate in PE or swim activity.
Student is removed from class.
Responsibility 15%
Student meets expectations
Student is wearing PE appropriate clothes and sneakers AND
Is on time to class
Is not wearing jewelry
Is not chewing gum
Student partially meets expectations
Student is wearing PE appropriate clothes and sneakers BUT
violates one of the following:
Is on time to class
Is not wearing jewelry
Is not chewing gum
Student does not meet expectations
Student is wearing PE appropriate clothes and sneakers BUT violates more than one of the following:
Is on time to class
Is not wearing jewelry
Is not chewing gum
Student is not wearing PE appropriate clothes.
Attitude and Behavior 15%
Student meets expectations
Student displays a positive attitude, shows sportsmanship and fair play, is cooperative and respectful to teacher and peers, and follows all safety rules.
Student partially meets expectations
Student violates one of the expectations.
Student needs to be reminded by the teacher about appropriate behavior.
Student does not meet expectations
Student violates more than one of the expectations.
Student needs multiple reminders of appropriate behavior.
Student is removed from the activity or class.