• Kenmore West

    Freshman Checklist

    for College Preparation


    It is never too early to plan for the future!!!


    Build strong academic, language, math and critical thinking skills by taking challenging courses.  Strengthen your vocabulary by increasing your reading.


    Study hard to receive high grades.  Your grades during freshman, sophomore, and junior year make up your overall grade point average (G.P.A.) that colleges look at when you apply.  Your G.P.A. is also used to determine your class rank as well.


    If your grades are not what you’d like them to be, use the resources here at school:  1) meet with your teacher before or after school, 2) use the Academic Achievement Center (Room 325) during a study hall, lunch, or after school, and 3) sign up for a peer tutor in the Academic Achievement Center.


    Become involved in athletics, clubs and activities both in and outside of school.  If you’re involved in a group or team, the more friends you’ll meet and the better you’ll become at that activity, plus learn cooperation and leadership skills.
    Limit your screen time (phone, television, computer, and gaming, etc).   

    Meet your school counselor and discuss your plans for the next four years.


    Use Naviance/Family Connection to explore careers, college majors and college choices.  If you're not signed up, see your counselor.


    Browse through college websites to get an idea of what colleges & universities are looking for in a student.  Look into what colleges like to see in terms of high school course work.


    Learn about NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) requirements if you want to play sports in college (//www.ncaastudent.org/)


    Keep an academic, athletic, and clubs & activities resume on Naviance/Family Connection.


    Plan meaningful summer activities.  Keep yourself active by playing a sport, volunteering for an organization, reading, finding employment, etc. Again, limit your time in front of the television or computer – colleges are looking for people who are active, both physically and mentally!


Last Modified on January 23, 2017