
    Kenmore West High School
    Information Page

    Useful information for High School students, parents and staff. 
    Crime Prevention Tips
    Believe it or not, Thefts do occur at the High School!


    Theft of personal items is, unfortunately, something we have experienced at the High School.  Most thefts occur in the gym locker rooms during Phys. Ed. classes.  Students MUST lock personal items in a locker or leave them in a locked hallway locker.  Cash, ipods, iphones, and other cell phones are common items that are stolen.
    Please LOCK your LOCKER!!!
    DO NOT leave valuables in cars.  Lock them in the trunk. 
    Always lock your vehicle when you leave it. 


    Student ID Cards & Passes:  

    Student photo ID cards are provided to all students. The students must present this card at school functions, and may be used for announced ticket discounts to various school events. Your ID card will also serve as a hall pass, and for purchase of free/reduced price lunches. Students may not be in the halls without the signature of a teacher/staff member on the back of their ID. Replacement ID cards cost $3.00 and can be obtained in Room 125. 
    Parents, Who Host, Lose the Most.
    If you’re Hosting a Party for Your Teen, Keep It Alcohol-Free. Parents, who host, condone or have knowledge of alcohol related parties for underage persons risk criminal and civil penalties.  It is illegal to provide alcohol to anyone underage 21.
         school bus
         If you see a bus stopped in the parking lot or on a public highway (Highland Parkway)with its RED lights flashing, you must come to a complete stop until the lights are turned off. At no time are you allowed to pass a school bus with its RED lights flashing. It is a violation of NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law, section 1174, which says;   
      Police                                           The driver of a vehicle upon a public highway, street or private road upon meeting or overtaking from either direction any school bus marked and equipped as provided and which has stopped on the public highway, street or private road for the purpose of receiving or discharging any passengers, or which has stopped because school bus in front of it has stopped to receive or discharge any passengers, shall stop the vehicle before reaching such school bus when there is in operation on said school bus a red visual signal. Said driver shall not proceed until such school bus resumes motion, or until signaled by the driver or a police officer to proceed. The term "public highway" shall mean any area used for the parking of motor vehicles or used as a driveway located on the grounds of a school.               (5 point violation)
Last Modified on August 6, 2023