• homework
    Your child will be assigned math and spelling homework Monday thru Friday. Occassionally, they will be given assignments in other subject areas (weekly assignments will be on a sheet in their homework folder). Students will be required to turn in their homework daily upon entering the classroom. In the event that they did not understand an assignmment (usually,this happens in math), please sign the bottom of the paper so that I know they attempted to complete the assignment.
    Children that miss one or no assignments in a month will particpiate in a class pizza party and will earn more tickets to use with prize boxes.
    In the event your child has a circumstance that truly prevented them from completing their work-please send a note or call me at 874-8423.
    I also ask that each student reads for a minimum of 15 minutes daily and at least 20 minutes on the weekends. We will be going to the library every week to check out books for them to read at home.
    Thank you.
Last Modified on July 13, 2006