Edison Elementary
Providing our students with the supports, tools, and diverse opportunities needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world
- Edison Elementary
- Welcome
Thomas Edison Elementary School PTA
236 Grayton Road, Tonawanda, NY 14150
Member of the State Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc.
A Branch of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers
Link to NYS PTA website for Current Information
Your 2022/2023 PTA Officers:
Co -Presidents – Kelly Snekser, ksnekser@gmail.com, Janelle Thiessen, janelletona@gmail.com
1st Vice President – Amiee Cooper, aimee@ownny.com
2nd Vice President - Heather Tomsic
Treasurer – Deanna Robey, dwerwinski@yahoo.com
Recording Secretary – Colleen DiVirgilio
Corresponding Secretary - Suzie Tartick
* PTSA Delegate - Susan Lang, slang918@hotmail.comWe’re on Facebook! Please ask to join our “Thomas Edison PTA” Facebook group! We post important info regarding meetings and school events.
Come help make it an amazing evening!We want YOU to attend our meetings this year! It doesn’t matter if you can’t make them all, if you
aren’t an officer, or if you don’t chair an event…YOUR opinion matters to us!