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    The Kenmore East Alumni Association plans to holds its 5th Hall of Distinction Ceremony on May 9th, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Kenmore East High School Auditorium.  The first class was inducted five years ago as part of the school’s 50 year Celebration.


    The Hall of Distinction has been established to honor those former students who, throughout their lives, have exhibited those values, qualities, and characteristics traditionally held, fostered and encouraged by Kenmore East High School.


    To qualify for consideration, the nominee must have graduated from Kenmore East at least fifteen (15) years ago.  Nominees for this honor shall have exhibited those traditional Kenmore East values and qualities in an unusual and sustaining manner, and in so doing, have not only influenced others, but have also contributed in a significant way to his or her community.


    Nominations for consideration of selection to the hall are welcomed.  The deadline for submission of names of the nominees is February 21, 2014.  Nomination forms may be found through the link below, or by calling the school at (716) 874-8402, ext. 5507.



    Previous Inductees