Role of police officers

Posted by Jill Pickering on 1/3/2011 11:00:00 AM

Based on your reading of Monster, personal experiences, and general knowledge what do you think the role of a police officer is? Include your thoughts based on this reading and any outside knowledge. Think beyond the courtroom and discuss what you think a police officer is responsible for- be specific and think job duties to get you started.
You must answer in 6-8 complete, thoughtful sentences. (7 points)
1 point- Complete sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation
Remaining point scores:
6-5 Answers questions correctly and thoughtfully; uses evidence from the text/ outside sources; 6-8 complete sentences
4-3 Answers questions correctly and thoughtfully; some evidence from the text/ outside sources; 4-5 complete sentences
2-1 Answers questions correctly and thoughtfully; little or no evidence from the text/ outside sources; 2 complete sentences
0 Little attempt to answer questions; no evidence; 1 or less complete sentences