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October 9, 2019

Dear Community,

The Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District Board of Education is excited to announce that it is commencing a search for the next Superintendent of Schools. The Board of Education and the District are grateful for the service of Superintendent Steve Bovino, who has indicated his intent to retire at the end of the 2019-20 school year. During this school year, the Board of Education will work in conjunction with Erie 1 BOCES District Superintendent Dr. Lynn Fusco and all school district stakeholders to conduct a thorough, extensive, and exhaustive search for the next Superintendent of Schools.

The Board of Education recognizes that the selection of a Superintendent of Schools is its most important responsibility for the students, staff, families, and other stakeholders of our school district community. The Board of Education is committed to a search process that is transparent and collaborative with input from all school district stakeholders. All information related to the search process will be made available on the school district homepage at and at

The foundation of this process will be the compilation of a candidate profile, which will identify the most important qualities, traits, skills, and experience the next Superintendent of Schools should possess. The Board of Education is inviting all parents, staff, students, community members, and other school district stakeholders to assist by taking a short survey which is being coordinated by Erie 1 BOCES. The survey will be open from Oct. 9, 2019 to Oct. 19, 2019. You can find the survey at You can also find it on the District homepage at and on the Superintendent Search page at


Dr. Jill O’Malley, President
Andrew Gianni, Vice President
Matthew Chimera, Trustee
Dr. Thomas Reigstad, Trustee
Michelle Tarbox, Trustee