Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda UFSD
Our Vision: A community that creates dynamic learners who possess social awareness, confidence, and a belief in their power to succeed.
- Kenmore Town of Tonawanda UFSD
- Overview
Kristen Merz, Franklin Middle School Clerk Typist
Kristen Merz, Franklin Middle School Clerk Typist
Kris Merz has been in the district since 2010 and found her home at Franklin Middle School when she joined the team in 2016. During her time here, she has been working in the main office answering phone calls, running our attendance office and greeting students, families and staff all with a smile. She has an uncanny ability to connect with all staff members and can share a story and a laugh with anyone she talks to.
Kris is friendly, upbeat and helpful. Her positive attitude and her desire to help and be a team player does not go unnoticed and is very much appreciated.
During her spare time, Kris enjoys spending time with family, friends and her 3 dogs and 2 cats. Kris is a caring, reliable and understanding person and FMS wouldn't be the same without her!