• Kenmore East Cross Country
    The 2024 KE Boys XC team with their 2nd-place patches and plaque!
    Congratulations to the 2024 KE Boys XC team for finishing in 2nd in Class B1 at the Section VI Championships to earn the team's first sectional patches since 2006!
    Standing: Freshman Sam Clark, Junior Brendon Dabney, Senior AJ Battaglia, Freshman Joey Szafranski, Junior George Cianchetti, Senior Abe Al-Obaidi
    Kneeling: Senior Brendan Smukall, Junior Ben Wojnowski
    Amazing job this year!
    Cross Country FAQ:
    Q - Who can run cross country?
    A - Anyone! There are no try-outs, no cuts, no roster limits. Some examples of cross country runners include:
    --Experienced runners
    --Athletes who want to get into better shape for winter / spring sports. Especially recommended for athletes in other endurance or running-related sports (swimming, wrestling, track & field), but improving your fitness level will benefit any athlete in any sport. You can't ever be too fit...
    --Beginners who have never played any sport of any kind before
    --Anyone who enjoys the outdoors. Our practice field is the entire world. Parks, trails, woods - you name it, if it's outside, we run in it.
    Q - I'm a sprinter, won't cross country hurt my sprinting speed? Also, since I get tired at the end of a 400m, I don't think I would be able to race 3 miles.
    A1 - Lots of elite sprinters run cross country. We don't just go out and run high mileage every day - we train upper body, lower body, core strength, flexibility, and speed work. Think of cross country as a competitive off-season training program.
    A2 - If you try to race a 5k (3.1 mile) the same way you race a 400m, you're gonna have a bad time. You can't sprint a 5k. But if you run with some patience, you may find that it's not as hard as you think.
    Q - I've never played a sport before, so I don't think I'd be any good.
    A - Remember these three words: Everybody starts somewhere. Every single athlete, in every sport, had a 'first day' - the first time they threw a football, kicked a soccer ball, etc. Odds are, they weren't very good at it - yet. We don't expect anyone to show up for their first practice and immediately be a star - that's not how it works. It's a process. Improvement happens one day at a time. You will surprise yourself!
    Q - How do I sign up?
    A - Just contact Coach Metivier or come to one of our practices. We'd love to have you on the team!
    Head Coach: Tim Metivier                           Assistant Coach: John Graber