• Writing Center Logo

    All middle and high school students are invited to take part in the Writing Center to improve their writing, get feedback, and grow as a writer! These sessions are perfect for students at any skill level, from aspiring young authors to anyone wishing to improve their skills as a writer.

    2019-20 Sessions:

    November 2, 2019

    • 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
    • Kenmore Middle School, Room 105
    • How to Write an Outstanding College Application Essay
    • Applying for college? Then you will likely need to write a college application essay. Composing an original well focused, and well-structured essay can help you to showcase your particular talents and interests and convince admissions officers that you are a good fit for their institution. This hour-long workshop offers advice for writing an effective college essay. We will review common application writing prompts, read examples of successful admissions essays, and begin drafting our own admissions essays.

    March 28, 2020

    • 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
    • Kenmore Middle School, Room 105 
    • Short and Sweet: Reading and Writing Flash Fiction*
    • Our spring workshop will focus on flash fiction, sometimes called microfiction, sudden fiction, twitterature, postcard fiction, or napkin fiction. Flash fiction challenges writers to tell a complete story within a very compressed space — often in just six to one thousand words. During the one-hour workshop, we will read a few examples of flash fiction, discuss features of strong flash fiction, and try writing our own.

      * Title borrowed from Amanda Christy Brown and Katherine Schulten’s New York Times Learning Blog Post https://Learning.Blogs.Nytimes.Com/2013/10/03/Short-And-Sweet-Reading-And-Writing-Flash-Fiction/

    The Writing Center is led by Dr. Tom Reigstad, a Ken-Ton School District Board of Education Trustee and an Emeritus Professor of English as SUNY Buffalo State, and Dr. Rita Pollard, Adjunct Professor of English at Niagara University. Dr. Reigstad and Dr. Pollard both earned their doctoral degrees in composition and rhetoric at the University of Buffalo, taught English at the secondary level and in higher education, and have served as directors of college tutorial writing centers.