Kenmore West High School
Kenmore West High School is committed to developing knowledgeable, principled, and compassionate young adults through academic, personal, and occupational experiences in preparation for an ever-changing global landscape.
- Kenmore West High School
- Mental Health Support
- Mental Health Mobile Apps
Counseling & Career Center
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Career Planning
- College Financial Aid Night
- College Information & Planning
- Eighth grade & Freshman: Transition to High School
- Exam Information
- Grade level checklists
- KW Curriculum Handbook
- KW School Profile
- Mental Health Support
- Naviance - Family Connection
- NYS Graduation Requirements
- Registering a New Student
- Resources for Families
- Role of School Counselor
- Scheduling
- Scholarship Bulletin
- Shadowing at KW
- Summer Opportunities
- Vocational Programs
- Working Papers
- Driving School
- Transcript Request Form
Mental Health Mobile Apps.
Breathr: Dr. Vo helped to develop this mindfulness app for youth with the Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre (British Columbia, Canada). Free for Apple and Android mobile devices!
Stop, Breathe, and Think: Web and mobile app for youth, with meditations for mindfulness and compassion. Free website and mobile app with guided meditation and relaxation exercises.
Insight Timer: Free mobile app with virtual “bells” to time and support your meditations, and access to lots of guided meditations by many different meditation teachers (including Dr. Vo).
Plum Village: Zen Meditation. Free app for iOS, loaded with beautiful meditations and teachings in the Plum Village / Thich Nhat Hanh tradition.
MindShift: Free mobile app for teens developed by AnxietyBC, with mindfulness and other coping skills for anxiety.
Smiling Mind: Free mobile mindfulness app for young people, from Australia.
Headspace: “Meditation made simple.” This app has a free introductory period, after which it requires a paid subscription to continue to use.