• Kenmore West Orchestras  violin

    Welcome to Kenmore West String Music Department web page. We hope that this will be a useful resource in developing your abilities in performing as well as a reference for events throughout the year...

     Spring Program Music
    Image result for Spring
    10-12 Orchestra
    Song of the Indian Guest from the Opera "Sadko" by Rimski-Korsakov 
    Allegro Barbaro by Bartok
    Maid in Bedlam (English Folksong Traditional) 
    Star Wars: The Force Awakens
    8/9 Orchestra
    Passacaglia by Handel
    Themes from the Moldau by Smetena
    Allegretto from Beethoven's 7th Symphony
    2 Hornpipes from Pirates of the Caribbean
    Little Sunflower by Freddie Hubbard
    Shipping Up To Boston by the Dropkick Murphies

    String Orchestra Handbook 2017-2018

     Kenmore West 337/ Instrument Storage Room 331A

    Mrs. Fryer: kfryer@ktufsd.org/ (716) 874-8401 ext. 32337


    Dear Parents and Students:

    Welcome to string music classes at Kenmore West.  My name is Mrs. Fryer and it is my pleasure to have you and your child participate in this program.  The following document may be used as a reference guide to policy and general practices during the school year.  Please keep this handy and mark all pertinent dates on your calendars.  As always, please feel free to make contact if you have any questions or if there is a way I can help to make your child’s musical experience a better success.  Please refer to the e mail link and/or contact by phone number listed above. I look forward to an exciting year of music making!


    Mrs. Karin Fryer

    All Orchestra Students
    Getting Started....
    We will begin playing the first full week of school, please have all necessary equipment to begin school rehearsals. 
    If you own or have secured a rental for a local music store: bring instrument to room 337 on the 1st week of school. Make sure it is labeled with your last name.
    If you need to rent:  instrument rental from your local music stores of any violin, viola or cello.
    Large instruments such as cello and bass are available to use when in school. Basses must be rented from school.
    **Students will additionally need: pencil, 2" 3 ring binder, rosin, strings or shoulder rest.
    Orchestras: 8/9 and 10-12 are automatically enrolled. No audition requirement. 

    Course: 8-9th Grade Orchestra, 10-12th Grade Orchestra

    Course Description:

    Students will listen, practice and work toward mastery of a variety of skills to help make them self-sufficient musicians as well as appreciative of a variety of styles and concert venues of music.

    Course Objectives:  

    Orchestra 8-9 develops and establishes essential technique, terminology and skill development necessary to implement into all Western European literature for the instruments. Development of how to perform music throughout the eras of Classical music lends to a better musician and music consumer.

    Orchestra 10­-12 is about developing a deeper understanding of classical performance. Student preparation for music in college and community are in focus. Essential technique, terminology and skill development are implemented into all classical literature for the instruments. Music mastery to produce members of the music community.

    Units of Study:

    Posture/Position/Tone Production

    Review of basic finger patters for the left hand, alternate fingerings, reading notation, basic on the

    string bow techniques.

    Positions 1-­7 on all instruments

    Alternate clef work for viola, cello and bass

    Thumb position for cello and bass

    On and off the string techniques

    All Major Scales



    Compositions of early Western European Classical literature to present day.

    Academic Expectations:

    All students are expected to strive for Mastery level learning (85% or higher) in all of their courses and on all of their examinations.

    The New York State Education Department benchmark for College and Career Readiness is: A score of 75% or higher on the English Language Arts Regents Examinations and  A score of 80% or higher on one of the Regents Mathematics Examinations

    Required Text / Materials: Three Ring Binder with music, instrument and pencil.

    Homework Policy:

    Practicing is homework! Practice should be repetitive and consistent. A minimum of three to four days of practice sessions consisting of 20­40 minutes in length. Efficient goal oriented practice is expected to demonstrate growth in lessons. Journaling practice is an effective tool for ensuring ownership of skill development and gearing students toward becoming their best guide in learning.

    Methods of Communication:

    Email is most efficient because I can respond quickly, I am available for phone calls between 2:25-3:10 daily.

    Academic Misconduct (Ken­Ton Project Save School Conduct and Discipline District Policy,


    Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:

    1. Plagiarism: The representation of ideas or work of another person as the student’s own.

    2. Cheating.

    3. Copying.

    4. Collusion: Supporting malpractice by another student, as in allowing one’s work to be

    copied or submitted for assessment by another.

    5. Altering records.

    6. Accessing other users email accounts or network storage accounts and/or attempting to

    read, delete, copy, modify, and interfere with the transferring and receiving of electronic


    7. Violation of the District Acceptable Use Policy for technology.

    8. Assisting another student in any of the above actions.

    *Collaboration is “working together on a common aim with shared information.” Teachers

    will make clear when and to what extent collaboration is acceptable on a given assignment.

    Grading Policy:

    During any quarter, two to three components will make up the overall grade. They are:

    Concerts, Rehearsals and Lessons. Weight given to each component will fluctuate from

    quarter to quarter to take concerts into account. A quarter that does not have a concert

    performance in it will have lessons and rehearsals to make up equal parts of the overall grade

    for that quarter.

                  Concerts: are an integral component and are considered as important as a mid­term or end of

    year examination. As such, there are no excused absences other than what would be

    considered an absence from an exam.

    Concert Dress: all black: short sleeve or long sleeve blouse or shirt,

    black tie (optional), black dress pants or full length skirt, black socks, black dress shoes or low heel.

                                Concerts Grading Components:

    -Attendance and on time

    -Preparedness with Materials; instrument, music, folder

    -Concert attire appropriate to guidelines in handbook

    -Citizenship, teamwork and behavior

    Rehearsals: are every day and/or every other day considering your personal schedule. 2nd week of school all students should bring instruments to and from school.

                                 Rehearsal Grading Components:

    -Preparedness with Materials: instrument, pencil, music and binder

    -Citizenship, teamwork and behavior

    -Progression toward mastery of music


    Lessons: Lessons occur once a week, approx. 10 lessons per quarter. A progression toward individual aptitude is expected. Lessons must be made up within 1 week of missed lesson. Missed lessons can be made up during remediation period after 9th period.

                  Lesson Grading Components:

    - Weekly playing exam (rhythm, tone, pulse, articulation and intonation)

    -A progression toward individual aptitude (skills and pieces)

    -Preparedness with materials: instrument, pencil, music and binder

    -Citizenship and behavior



     Concert Dates
    May 17th, 2018, 8:00pm Starr Auditorium 
Last Modified on March 14, 2018