• I.B History/A.P. U.S. History

    Summer Reading Assignment, 2012


    (The textbook and supplemental reading are available at the main office)


    all work must be typed!



     1)        Chapter Two – (Due on the first day of class)


    - Read entire chapter (multiple choice quiz on ch. 2-3 on 2nd day of school)

    and take notes for your own benefit.


    After reading the chapter, answer the following questions (one thorough paragraph for each question).


    1)      Why did the English decide to begin colonizing America in the early 1600’s?


    2)      Describe the development of the Jamestown colony from its disastrous beginnings to its later prosperity.




    2)         Chapter Three – (Due on the first day of class)


    -Read entire chapter (multiple choice quiz on ch. 2-3 on 2nd day of school)

    and take notes for your own benefit.


    After reading the chapter, answer the following questions (one paragraph for each question).


    1)      What was the influence of Puritanism on the society of New England?




    3)         Complete the colonies comparison chart (see below) (Due on the first day of class)




    4)         Supplemental reading –  Due the first Monday after class begins (9/10/12)


    Read the two additional articles by Katz and Stannard (attached)


    Please type a paragraph summarizing the Katz article, a paragraph summarizing the Stannard article, and a paragraph summarizing your own opinion for the following question


    1)      Were the English colonists guilty of genocide?


    (This final paragraph is your opinion; however you must back up your opinion with evidence from the articles.)


    Enjoy your summer

    See you in the fall!






    Name ____________________

    I.B./A.P.History Summer assignment                                                                                                                            

    Complete the chart with brief descriptions using the information from chapters 2-3


    Comparing the English Colonies of the New World




    New England



    Identify the Colonies
















    Initial Purpose of the Colonies (economic or religious or both)





    Economics of the Colonies





    Religion in the Colonies





    Society in the Colonies (i.e. family life, description of social classes etc.





    Important People in the Colonies




















Last Modified on May 24, 2012