Kenmore West High School
Kenmore West High School is committed to developing knowledgeable, principled, and compassionate young adults through academic, personal, and occupational experiences in preparation for an ever-changing global landscape.
- Kenmore West High School
- Internship Information
Career Exploration Internship Program (CEIP)
Kenmore West's Internship Program offers unpaid internship opportunities to 12th Graders. Students apply while in Grade 11, and the students who are accepted into the program will be interns during their senior year.
What is CEIP?
CEIP stands for Career Exploration Internship Program. This is the official name of our non-paid internship program. We follow New York State’s guidelines strictly, and provide interns with a link between school and a career. CEIP provides hands-on experience in a variety of career choices.
Why should a student consider participating in this program?
It is an opportunity to develop an awareness of what it is really like to work in a particular career—an opportunity they might not otherwise get until well into their college career. If they like what they see here, they can continue along this career path with confidence. If they don’t like what they see, they can choose another path before investing in a path that isn’t what they expected it to be.
They will learn what skills and education are needed for a specific career.
They will observe and interact with positive role models in relation to attitude, integrity and ethics, teamwork, and timeliness.
What is the time commitment?
54 HOURS of non-paid internship at a worksite
1-2 VISITS by the teacher/coordinator to the training site
Fall Semester: September through January (about 20 weeks)
Spring Semester: February through June (about 20 weeks)
How much are the interns paid?
This is a non-paid internship program. There will be no monetary compensation for this learning experience.
Which careers can be explored?
Almost any! Former students have explored the following careers:
- Accounting
- Advertising
- Architecture
- Broadcasting
- Business management
- Computers
- Dentistry
- Education
- Engineering
- Financial investing
- Graphic arts
- Hotel management
- Medical support services
- Nursing
- Pharmacy
- Photography
- Physical/Occupational therapy
- Physicians
- Politics/government
- Restaurant management
- Sales
- Technology
- Translation
- Surgeons
- Veterinary medicine
- Video production
- and so many more.
Students should do a little research and self-assessment before choosing a career to explore. Among other things, they should consider their own interests, skills, and abilities; and they should determine if this career is projected to be in demand.
How will the intern get to the worksite?
Students are required to provide their own transportation to and from the internship site.
When do the interns have time to attend the internship site?
Students may use any non-class time. This may include: after school hours, weekends, and school holidays.
Most, but not all, students leave school just after 2:00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays; some leave even earlier. A few students may have additional blocks of non-class time in the morning or during the day.
Students may receive permission to spend an entire day at the internship site, as well. This is typically arranged when something special is happening at the site or when the student needs hours, but it may certainly be arranged so they may simply see an entire workday.
What kinds of activities will the interns perform?
Activities will be mutually agreed upon by the workplace mentor and the teacher/coordinator. Assignments should complement student’s career goals and should allow students to identify/experience the actual “hands-on” skills/knowledge required within the career.
Who is responsible for insuring the students?
The student intern will be insured by the Kenmore-Tonawanda School District insurance policy. This program complies with all Federal/State Labor and Education Laws.
How old are the students?
Our students are all in Grade 12 and are between ages 16 and 18.
How skilled are the student interns?
This is an opportunity for a student to explore a career that they find interesting. Some students may have some skills, but no particular skill-level is required of students who are accepted into our internship program. Unlike a BOCES program, no training has been provided.
What is the application process for students?
Applications are available in the Kenmore West Career Center or in the Business Department.
Completed applications may be returned to the Career Center (Guidance) or to Room 319.
Ken West faculty and staff will be asked to provide input on each applicant.
An interview with the internship coordinator will be conducted.
Students will be selected based upon motivation, responsibility, maturity, initiative, attendance, and site availability.
If selected for CEIP, the coordinator will identify an internship site. A meeting will be arranged between the student and the mentor.
Are the students graded for this assignment?
Yes. A form will be provided for each mentor to facilitate the task of evaluating the interns in various areas.
This is a one-semester course—earning 1/2 regents credit upon satisfactory completion.
I know somebody who would be a great worksite mentor. Who can I contact?
Contact Jim Mendola at Kenmore West. 874-8401, Room 319.Printable forms...
Apply as a junior, so you can be an intern as a senior.Return the completed application to Mr. Mendola in Room 319.A printable version of the question and answers above:If you have other questions, or want to chat about the program, call or visit Mr. Mendola in Room 319 (874-8401).