• This semester, Kenmore West has a number of 12th Graders serving as unpaid interns throughout the community. Each is learning about a career for which he or she has expressed an interest. They spend time outside of their school day at their internship site, and will work there for over 50 hours before the end of the semester. Here are a few of their stories... 
    Anissa is learning about careers in anthropology. Under the supervision of her mentor, she is sorting and classifying artifacts from a historic local site.
    Anissa  Anissa at Hull House
    Under the supervision of her mentor, Christine is performing real experiments in a state-of-the-art medical lab. The results of her experiments may contribute to stroke and vascular research.
    Liane is currently interning with a local emergency care provider. She is learning about various career options within the medical field.Liane
    Melissa Melissa is learning about various careers that deal with prosthetics. From consulting and fitting to engineering and construction.
    Autumn is learning what it's like to be a high school special education teacher.Autumn
     Sarah Sarah is doing her internship with a local medical center where she is learning what it might be like to be a doctor, a physician's assistant, or a nurse.
    Brianna is interning in the offices of a local manufacturing company. She is seeing how the skills she's learning at Kenmore West apply to business careers.Brianna
    Angel is spending time learning about humanitarian careers in a local family service center.
    Mikaela is learning about medical careers from professionals at a nearby emergency care provider.Mikaela
    Medina Medina is interning with an area orthodontist to learn about careers in this field.
    Rebecca is doing her internship at a local physical therapy clinic. She's working with, observing, and learning from many different physical therapists there.Rebecca
    Eliza is at a local middle school learning what it's like to be an 8th Grade math teacher.
    Dan is interning at an area hotel to learn more about careers in hospitality management.Dan
    Gavin is learning about a variety of business careers at an employment agency in the Kenmore-Tonawanda area.
Last Modified on October 27, 2015