• Ken West Staff Recommends Non-Fiction

    Posted by John Rigney on 10/12/2007 2:00:00 PM
    Teachers & Staff:
    Please post a non fiction book (please include title and author) that you think an AP  Language and Composition student should read outside of class. Please give a brief review of the book and/or reflection on why you feel it would be an important book for a student attempting to work at the college level to read. Thanks!
    Comments (6)
  • Ken West Staff Recommends Fiction

    Posted by John Rigney on 10/12/2007 11:00:00 AM
    Teachers & Staff:
    Please post a novel (title and author) that you think an AP  Language and Composition student should read outside of class. Please give a brief review of the book and/or reflection on why you feel it would be an important book for a student attempting to work at the college level to read. Thanks!
    Comments (4)


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Last Modified on September 26, 2016