• 4th and 5th Grade Chorus

    sheet music


    Performance Skills
    1. Students will demonstarte appropriate posture and breathing practices for producing a good vocal tone.
    2. Students will demonstrate competence in basic vocal production.
    3. Students will demonstrate the ability to respond appropriately to the conductor's gestures.
    4. Students will demonstrate correct diction when singing in English and in foreign languages.
    5. Students will demonstrate knowledge of a varied repertoire of music from a variety of genres and styles.
    6. Students will be able to listen and blen with other parts in the musical ensemble.
    7. Students will demonstrate expressive singing through through dynamics, facial expression and movement.
    8. Students will demonstrate appropriate stage presence.

    Music Reading Skills
    1. Students will demonstrate the ablility to sight-read pitches using sight-singing solfege.
    2. Students will demonstrate the ability to sight-read rhythms using Gordon's Music Learning Theory.
    3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of specific pitches on the treble clef.
    4. Students will demonstrate knowledge of time (meter) signatures in both simple and compound meters.
    5. Students will demonstrate knowledge of dynamic, tempo, and other score markings.
    6. Students will demonstrate the ability to follow their own vocal line in unison or two part music.

    Academic Skills
    1. Students will learn how to read a vocal music score.
    2. Students will learn the terminology to evaluate a vocal or choral performance.
    3. Students will learn active learning skills.
    4. Students will learn the historical and cultural context of a variety of songs from different time periods and cultures.

    Social Skills
    1. Students will demonstrate teamwork as they create a unified performance.
    2. Students will develop independence and confidence by singing their own part and/or solos.
    3. Students will develop and demonstrate citizenship through community performances.
    4. Students will learn and demonstrate proper behavior as an audience member.
    5. Students will make the conection that music is a real-life function in our society.

    Vocal Health
    1. Students will learn to use their voices in a non-abusive manner using proper breath support.
    2. Students will learn the importance of keeping the vocal mechanism hydrated.
    3. Students will learn about the value of rest and proper nutrition in keeping the voice healthy.
    4. Students will learn techniques that promote relaxed, tension-free vocal production.
    5. Students will learn how to choose repertoire suitable for their voice.