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    Fourth Grade National Standards for Music Education


    National Standard #1- Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

    a. Sing independently and in groups on pitch using appropriate posture, timbre and diction while
    rhythmic accuracy with accompaniment (NYS Standards 1, 2)
    b. Use the voice expressively when speaking, chanting, and singing with appropriate dynamics, phrasing,
    and interpretation (NYS 1)

    c. Sing from memory songs representing a wide variety of cultures and styles (NYS 1, 2, 4)

    d. Match pitch and echo tonal patterns within a developmentally appropriate range (NYS 1)

    e. Demonstrate awareness of individual vocal sound within a group and respond to the cues of a
    conductor (NYS 1)

    f.  Sing and identify ostinati, rounds, partner songs and music written in two part harmony (NYS 1, 2)

    National Standard #2- Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

    a. Perform on pitch, in rhythm, with appropriate dynamics and timbres, good playing position, posture,
    breath control and appropriate technical accuracy while maintaining a steady beat (NYS 1, 2)

    b. Play steady beats using bilateral and alternating motions in a group and individually (NYS 1, 2)

    c. Echo and play simple rhythmic, melodic, and ostinato patterns accurately and expressively in a group
    and individually on a variety of rhythmic and melodic classroom instruments (NYS 1, 2)

    d. Perform ostinati and instrumental parts in a group and individually to accompany stories and songs

    (NYS 1, 2, 3, 4)

    e. Perform by rote, reading, and by ear a repertoire of music representing diverse cultures and styles

    (NYS 1, 2, 3, 4)

    f. Perform in groups blending timbres, matching dynamic levels, tempo and style in response to the cues
    of a conductor (NYS 1, 2)

    National Standard #3- Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments

    a. Continue to improvise “answers” to rhythmic and melodic questions in a group and individually using

    classroom instruments, body percussion, and voice (NYS 1, 2)

    b. Improvise short rhythmic and melodic patterns, using a variety of sound sources including classroom

    instruments, body percussion, and voice (NYS 1, 2)

    c. Improvise simple rhythmic and melodic ostinati on body percussion, unpitched and pitched
    instruments and voice (NYS 1, 2)

    d. Experiment with rhythmic and melodic variations on a familiar melody (NYS 1, 2, 3,4)

    e. Improvise short songs and instrumental pieces, using a variety of sound sources, including classroom

    instruments, body percussion, and voice (NYS 1, 2)

    National Standard #4- Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines

    a. Create, arrange, and notate with standard notation, music to accompany movement, readings, and

    dramatizations (NYS 1, 2)

    b. Create and arrange, in a group, short songs and instrumental pieces within specific guidelines
    (NYS 1, 2, 3)

    c. Use a variety of sound sources when composing (NYS 1, 2, 3)

    National Standard #5- Reading and notating music

    a. Identify and read sixteenth notes, eighth and sixteenth note combinations and dotted note syncopated

    patterns in duple and triple meters. In addition, continue to identify and read whole notes, whole rests,
    dotted half notes, half notes, half rests, quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes and eighth rests using a
    steady beat (NYS 1, 2, 3,)
    b. Use a movable “do” system and read mostly stepwise and some skipping patterns containing “do, sol,
    mi, la, re and do” on the treble clef (NYS 1)

    c. Identify and notate the parts of a note (NYS 2)

    d. Identify and notate the names of the lines and spaces on the treble clef as well as one ledger line above
    and below the staff (NYS 2, 3)

    e. Notate simple and more complex rhythmic patterns (NYS 2)

    f. Identify and perform correctly basic dynamic and tempo markings (NYS 2)

    National Standard #6- Listening to, analyzing and describing music

    a. Identify and label beginning/end and same/different, verse/refrain and simple forms such as AA, AB,
    ABA, AABB, and ABACA (NYS 1, 3)

    b. Demonstrate advanced listening and analyzing skills by describing how the elements of music such as

    rhythm, melody, harmony, form and sound are used in listening examples (NYS 1, 2, 3)

    c. Recognize and identify families of the orchestra and individual instruments of the orchestra in selected

    listening examples (NYS 2, 3)

    d. Identify types of voices as soprano, alto, tenor and bass as well as groupings of voices as duet, trio
    and chorus (NYS 2, 3)

    National Standard #7- Evaluating music and music performance

    a. Use teacher and student generated criteria incorporating terms related to basic elements such as
    melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, timbre, form and style for evaluating their own performances and
    the performance of others (NYS 1, 2, 3)
    b. Use teacher and student generated criteria incorporating terms related to basic elements such as
    melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, timbre, form and style to evaluate musical works representing a
    variety of styles, genres, and cultures (NYS 1, 2, 3, 4)

    c. Continue to explain their personal preferences for specific musical works and styles incorporating terms

    related to basic elements such as melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, timbre, form and style (NYS 1, 2, 3)

    National Standard #8- Understanding relationships between music and other disciplines

    a. Recognize the roles of music and musicians in the other performing arts such as theatre and dance

    (NYS 1, 2, 3, 4)

    b. Experience ways in which music is related to the other visual and performing arts as well as disciplines
    taught within the school setting- language arts, reading, science, social studies, etc. (NYS 1, 2, 3, 4)
    c. Identify different ways that other art forms such as videos, paintings, dances and literature have been
    used to enhance a composer’s musical works (NYS 1, 2, 3, 4)

    National Standard #9- Understanding music in relation to history and culture

    a. Identify by genre or style aural examples of music from various cultures and traditions found
    throughout the world in addition to Western music (NYS 3, 4)
    b. Continue to develop the use of music vocabulary words to identify simple stylistic characteristics such
    as instrumentation, rhythmic content and tonality, of music from different historical periods, various
    cultures and genres (NYS 2, 3, 4)
    c. Demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the culture and style of music being performed
    (NYS 3, 4)
    d. Perform in class simple action songs, folk dances, and singing games from around the world with
    improvised and choreographed movement (NYS 1, 4)

    e. Identify various uses of music in daily life (NYS 3)

    f. Identify and describe roles of musicians in various setting and cultures (NYS 3, 4)

    g. Identify by sight and sound various instruments associated with specific ethnic cultures or historical
    genres (NYS 3, 4)