• wavy staff

    First Grade

    Classroom Music

    Please click on this link to view our

    First Grade Music Curriculum Map


    First Grade National Standards for Music Education

    National Standard #1- Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

    a.        Identify the speaking/singing voice

    b.       Expressive speaking, chanting and singing with dynamics and steady beat

    c.        Sing from memory a variety of songs using appropriate posture


    National Standard #2- Performing on instruments, alone and with others

    a.        Experiment with instruments and sound sources

    b.       Find and keep the steady beat

    c.        Echo and play simple rhythmic and melodic patterns on classroom inst.

    d.       Perform ostinati and simple inst. parts to accompany stories and songs

    e.        Perform by rote a limited repertoire of diverse music

    f.         Respond to the cues of a conductor


    National Standard #3- Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments

    a.        Echo rhythmic and melodic patterns in Q&A style on inst. and voice

    b.       Improvise short rhythmic and melodic patterns on inst. and voice


    National Standard #4- Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines

    a.        Experiment with a variety of instruments to accompany mvmt. and reading

    b.       Create a simple melody in a group to a given text


    National Standard #5- Reading and notating music

    a.        Read quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes and eighth rests

    b.       Use a movable “do” system and read simple patterns containing “do, sol, mi and la”

    c.        Identify the parts of a note

    d.       Identify tonal patterns and parts of songs as high, low, up, down and repeats


    National Standard #6- Listening to, analyzing and describing music

    a.        Identify beginning/end and same/different, verse/refrain and simple forms

    b.       Discuss listening examples

    c.        Use terms up/down, high/low, long/short, solo and unison

    d.       Identify speak, whisper, sing, shout, solo and unison

    e.        Identify names of simple classroom instruments and types of voices (men, women, children)


    National Standard #7- Evaluating music and music performance

    a.        Evaluate performances

    b.       Evaluate a variety of musical works

    c.        Students will begin to explain their personal preferences for specific music


    National Standard #8- Understanding relationships between music and other disciplines

    a.        Identify similarities and differences in various arts

    b.       Relate music to other disciplines


    National Standard #9- Understanding music in relation to history and culture

    a.        Identify folk music from Native American cultures, marches, lullabies and pop style

    b.       Experience the elements of music in various styles of music

    c.        Demonstrate audience behavior appropriate for the style of performance

    d.       Perform simple action songs and singing games and folk dances from around the world