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    What is Reading Recovery?
    Reading Recovery is a highly effective short-term intervention of one-on-one tutoring for low-achieving first graders. The intervention is most effective when it is available to all students who need it and is used as a supplement to good classroom teaching. In Reading Recovery, individual students receive a half-hour lesson each school day for 12 to 20 weeks with a specially trained Reading Recovery teacher. As soon as students can read within the average range of their class and demonstrate that they can continue to achieve, their lessons are discontinued, and new students begin individual instruction.

    Reading Recovery: Basic Facts

    "Reading Recovery is the best evidence yet of the direct link between good design and education excellence."¹

    - K.G. Wilson and B. Daviss

    The goal of Reading Recovery is to dramatically reduce the number of first-grade students who have extreme difficulty learning to read and write and to reduce the cost of these learners to educational systems.
    Reading Recovery is a highly effective short-term intervention of one-to-one tutoring for low-achieving first graders. The intervention is most effective when it is available to all students who need it and is used as a supplement to good classroom teaching.

    Reading Recovery serves the lowest-achieving first graders - the students who are not catching on to the complex set of concepts that make reading and writing possible.
    Individual students receive a half-hour lesson each school day for 12 to 20 weeks with a specially trained Reading Recovery teacher. As soon as students can read within the average range of their class and demonstrate that they can continue to achieve, their lessons are discontinued, and new students begin individual instruction.

    There are two positive outcomes for students:

    • Since 1984 when Reading Recovery began in the United States, 80% of students who complete the full 12- to 20-week series of lessons, and 59% of all students who have any lessons in Reading Recovery, can read and write with the average range of performance of their class. Follow-up studies indicate that most Reading Recovery students also do well on standardized tests and maintain their gains in later years.
    • The few students who are still having difficulty after a full series of lessons are referred for further evaluation. They may be candidates for longer-term programs.

    Professional Development
    Professional development is an essential part of Reading Recovery. Training utilizes a three-tiered approach that includes teachers, teacher leaders, and university trainers. Professional development for teachers and teacher leaders begins with year-long graduate level study and is followed by ongoing training in succeeding years. In Reading Recovery, teachers develop observational skills and a repertoire of intervention strategies tailored to meet the individual needs of at-risk students.
    History of Success
    Reading Recovery has a strong tradition of success with the hardest-to-teach children. Developed in New Zealand over 20 years ago, Reading Recovery now also operates in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense Dependents Schools (domestic and foreign), Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools, plus Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia