Kenmore East High School
Providing our students with the supports, tools, and diverse opportunities needed to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world
- Kenmore East High School
- Overview
Discipline Policy
The Board of Education of the Kenmore-Tonawanda School District is committed to providing a safe, orderly and purposeful school environment. Kenmore East’s Code of Conduct is consistent with the district’s policy as well as the Schools Against Violence in Education Act (Project S.A.V.E.). This code defines expectations for acceptable conduct on school property, during the school day and at all school-sponsored functions as well as the consequences of any unacceptable conduct.
A copy of the complete Code of Conduct is available in the Main office of Kenmore East High School and the Kenmore-Tonawanda School District Office.
Students are expected to attend all their classes each day. After arrival at school, any absences from scheduled homeroom, classes and study halls, without parental or school permission, are classified as cuts and constitute truancy. Education law mandates that students must attend scheduled homeroom, classes and study halls at Kenmore East High School for the entire time the public school is in session. Failure to comply with this regulation is a violation and will result in disciplinary action.
Short detention (with teacher) 2:35-3:15 pm
Administrative or Attendance Detention – Room 116 2:35-3:15 pm
*Seniors must serve all assigned detentions to walk across the stage at graduation.
In-School Suspension
Students who fail to respond to a responsible request by any staff member will be assigned a day of In School Suspension. Students who fail to serve short and long detentions will be assigned to ISS. Students are responsible to bring their homework to ISS. Each student assigned to ISS will have a parent conference with a disciplinary dean.
Out of School Suspension
A short-term Supervised Suspension is a suspension from attendance for five (5) days or less and will be accompanied by a parent conference. This program is held at Kenmore Middle School at 155 Delaware Road.
When you are suspended from school, your parent/ guardian will be notified. During the period of suspension, you may not participate in any extra-curricular activities, you are not permitted in the school building or on school grounds without permission from an administrator. It is your responsibility to make up work when you are suspended from school.
After arriving at school, you may not leave the building prior to school dismissal, for any reason, unless you have singed out at the Attendance Office. When you need to be excused for a legal reason (similar to absences and lates), you must bring a note to the Attendance Center, signed by your parent/
guardian, which explains the reason for the excuse. The excuse must contain the following:
1. date
2. your first and last name
3. grade
4. time to be excused
5. destination and reason for going
6. means of travel from school
7. a phone number by which the above information can be confirmed
(parent, doctor, dentist)
8. signature of parent/guardian
You must sign out at the Attendance Office at the time indicated on your excuse. The high school administration reserves the right to investigate the validity of excuses, which can include written verification from the doctor, clinic, Motor Vehicle Bureau, probation officer, etc., and to disallow excuses for illegal reasons.Students are expected to attend all their classes each day. After arrival at school, any absences from scheduled homeroom, classes and study halls, without parental or school permission, are classified as cuts and constitute truancy. Education law mandates that students must attend scheduled homeroom, classes and study halls at Kenmore East High School for the entire time the public school is in session. Failure to comply with this regulation is a violation and will result in disciplinary action.